Prompt: "A way to decide what cocktail to drink based on tasting notes. Should include 15 cocktails."
ExplorePrompt: "Create a simulator for a 6-sided dye. It should have a ROLL button. Every time it lands on a number, it should display the number and what that number represents. This is what each number represents: 1 - PIERDE RANGO! 2 - DISCREPO! 3 - NO MAMES! 4 - TODOS TOMAN 5 - REGLA 6 - RANGO!"
ExplorePrompt: "Create a user page talking from users to users and all of this is user, background of users, we need to grab registered usernames on website."
ExplorePrompt: "A page that shows the price of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana against the USD, and USD against the mexican peso. Use a public api"
ExplorePrompt: "Selects a random number from 0-50. Has a cool modern, animation as it does so."
ExplorePrompt: "A random number generator with a discrete option to determine the number that is selected to cheat the system. The option should be hidden and have a subtle button to reveal it."